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BIBLIOTHECA GAZETTE ~ October 2022: Magic

Writer: Bay Area KeiBay Area Kei

Do you believe in magic? Well, at Bay Area Kei we sure do believe in the magic off J-fashion! Be sure to continue reading to hear our bloggers' takes on this topic ~

Dear Gabriella Marie - Bibliotheca October 2022

You've heard of magical girls, get ready for...magical administrative assistants?

Did you know that early magical girls were referred to as 魔女っ子majokko because they were often witch-type characters?

I Don't Know Much But I'm Learning - Bibliotheca October Prompt: Magic

Musings on the magic of mori kei!

Tales of magical meetings, through the mystical medium of J-fashion✨


Crimson Reflections

Chockful of gems like "Easy Twin Tails", "Simple Style that looks Elaborate", and "Halloween Cat Ears"!


Cupcakes & Unicorns

Need a new selection for your book club? Cupcake Kamisama reviews this horror/comedy starring lolitas!

To the tune of "TEETH TEETH TEETH" except it's "LIMITED MEAL"🍔

Wondering if you can make use of random print hair accessories that pop up on used clothing sites? This post is for you!

You know what time it is! (Reassessment time. Of Cupcake Kamisama's wardrobe.)


Dear Gabriella Marie

In the market for a new petti? Check out this review of one of the most popular brands!


Dearie Dawn

Hot chocolate, artistic pumpkins, and...Charli XCX? An eventful Hallow's Eve!

It's true - wigs plus masks means all us lolitas can't recognize anyone anymore. Maybe we need nametags?


Hello Lizzie Bee

Creepy and cute!💅

Did you know Kuromi outranked Hello Kitty herself in the latest Sanrio Character ranking poll?

I agree...add a scary mask and instant costume!


I Don't Know Much But I'm Learning

The mori 30 day challenge continues! Check out Kathryn's latest prompt answers~


Josine Maaike

An absolute beauty from H. Naoto! You have to see it to believe it! (Please click thru...)



The stories we could tell about Mountain Time...well actually it's just one story. But yes! Time zones! Plus Daylight Savings! Tricky things!


Mahou Queen

Readers, I have to be honest - I can't come up with a blurb for this post cuz I'm struggling not to invoke the FFXIV meme...

Wondering about this latest release? Wonder no more! (Also yes, it's still in stock!)

We know y'all love this sort of content. (Thanks for coming to Gramarye Gauntlet!)

Readers, another confession - I got so distracted by the thought of pomegranate oolong tea I couldn't come up with one for this post either.



This reminded me of my lucky velvet find at a local fabric shop...Advantages of the big city!

Does this viral stain remover live up to the hype? (Betteridge's law of headlines doesn't apply. Sorta. You'll see.)


R.R. Memorandum

Do you live somewhere where it's cold now? Then this could be helpful!



Okay, y'all need to see these monstrosities (positive). Standard "don't read hungry" disclaimer.

I'm betting you can guess the theme of Stephano's concert coordinate...



Spectacular photos of a spectacular trip! But also, the extremely Bay Area Kei brand of ensuring you have your own bathroom.


Sweet Dreams

Backstreet Boys DNA World Tour 2022 You know I'm legally obligated to inform you that...Backstreet's Back, Alright!

Readers, I have been thinking about Korean corn dogs for months and this is yet another sign I need to venture out to get one.

I think those of us with dyed hair have all had a chaotic hair-dying experience...That and much more!

Ever wish Sei's makeup tutorials were in video format? Good news!


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