Our latest bimonthly theme of "Mirror" really prompted our bloggers to reflect on- do I. do I need to finish the copy. Think of it as a choose you own path pun.
Mirrors aren't scary? Okay, but have you seen Mirrormask…
Please don’t feed the birds Dearie Dawn - Bibliotheca’s September~October theme: Mirror My vote for best art installation mirror is The Bean Luna by the Lake with Cake - Bibliotheca October: Mirror
This mirror comes with some cute friends up top!
Rosiers Sauvages - Nomen est omen My favorite wild rose is maybe Edward MacDowell’s?

Cupcakes & Unicorns
Glad to see a reprise of the Garf shot
Lolita curses for Halloween Fun fact: Kelp is one of those alt fashion people who mixes slightly different shades with abandon! Embrace chaos! D.H. Dhaenens' "Lockhart Returns" review
I noticed there’s a number of lolita book clubs forming up lately…

Dearie Dawn
Lolitas arriving….early? (Actually this happens a lot in California. Sometimes the traffic gods are a little too merciful.)

Me, a copy editor: wait, so they went with Chris’s? I gotta check AP on where this is going

Hello Lizzie Bee
A magical afternoon tea ✰ LuluBee date This Yank had to remind herself coronation is a type of chicken salad… Pureseoul launch day ☆ queuing for 5 hours?! + himekaji co*de Otsukare!
LuluBee date ☆ Making candles for Halloween! ☆ rokku co*de Wait, this store actually differentiates between ‘pumpkin spice’ and ‘pumpkin pie’? I have questions. Life lately + falling in love with agejo all over again ❤ Always fun to just plop your wardrobe in a big pile of gets
I mean, who doesn’t love dumplings?

Josine Maaike
You think you know, but you have no idea: MTV’s True Old School

Nothing says Halloween like a high risk of slicing your hand open with a sharp kitchen tool!

I tried to make a lolita capsule wardrobe It’s true: taking pictures of tights is a time

Luna by the Lake with Cake
I spent a solid minute somehow trying to make an allusion to ginger snaps before realizing I just need a snack break

Rosiers Sauvages
Fun fact: for linguistic reasons Kelp won’t bore you with, people’s perception of accent variation declines quite a bit for singing voices
A very important mission!
Is it truly a contemporary BtSSB print release without an ~additionally wordy subtitle~